January 22, 2009

I'm still wondering , how come you called me on my cell from the garden , while you were sitting right beside me? How come one of you was not you , and if you , I mean , one of you is not you then who the hell is you ?!! I mean the other you , not the one that is you! SO you started to chase me while I was asking you to help me escape from you. I still wonder who was "you" and why were you not you in the other you.
Or maybe I was High ?!!


roni said...

You are and were definitely high!!!

سین said...

I think youd been high!

Anonymous said...

Ali says: Well It sounds as if you are putting some of the blame on yourself. And I think it all depends on the situation.

Anonymous said...

:D nice thing to think about! if you could figure it out, let me know dear.